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  • Writer's pictureRae Gateley, LCSW

Start Again

Sometimes it can feel like life is a game which keeps sending you back to the beginning while other players move forward. Due to strategy failures or just plain bad luck, you seem to be drawing all the wrong cards:

"Relationship problems - Skip a turn!"

"Lost your job - Move back 3 spaces!"

"Unexpected expenses - Give all your money to the player on your right!"

"Mistakes and regrets - Start over!"

Starting over again can be devastating and demoralizing. Sure, there are times when you would welcome a new beginning, a "do-over" - but that's not the kind of situation we're talking about today. We are talking about the kind of situation which ranges from "I'm not sure how I can handle this," to "It feels like my whole world is gone and I am left alone on an alien planet."

When life knocks you down, takes everything away from you, and pushes you back to square one, here are some things to keep in mind:

First of all - life never takes everything away from you. It can't. You have yourself, and nothing has the power to destroy you or to take away all the insight, skills, and knowledge that you've gained from your experiences.

Secondly - you are always growing. Every time life gives you a shove, you add to your wisdom and increase your capacity for deep, powerful, positive change.

And finally - you are not alone. Others have gone through similar experiences and have stories of hope and healing to share. Tune in to what others have to say about confronting challenges and pushing forward, and you may find strategies that work for you, too.

So, when you are facing a setback, don't be afraid to retrace your steps and make a new start; it may be the best way to get to where you want to be.

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